
Toronto Model United Nations

22-24 March, 2024
Sheraton Centre Toronto Hotel
Delegate Handbook 2024 Photos

Welcoming remarks

        On behalf of the entire Toronto Model United Nations (TMUN) secretariat team, it is my honor to invite you to attend TMUN 2024 in-person from March 22-24, 2024 at the Sheraton Centre Toronto Hotel.

        My name is Edward Liu and I will be serving as your Secretary-General for this year's iteration of Toronto Model United Nations, Toronto's only overnight Model UN conference. Throughout the whole conference, I will lead a team of passionate and hard-working high-school students in managing Toronto’s premier Model UN conference to the best of our abilities.

        I am proud to announce that this year, TMUN will be offering all delegates and chaperones the option of staying overnight at the Sheraton Centre Toronto Hotel. COVID-19 has hit Model UN conferences hard, with many being forced to either go virtual, or to cancel their conferences altogether. I hope that with this year’s iteration of Toronto Model United Nations, we can help to bring back in-person Model UN experiences to Toronto for good.

        This year, TMUN will feature a wide variety of fun and interesting committees, from the traditional beginner-friendly Disarmament and International Security Committee to the new and innovative Mars Crisis Committee. Delegates will be able to choose their preferred committees during the registration process, and I know that every delegate who registers will be able to find a committee that interests them.

        Model UN has been an incredibly impactful part of my life, and I would not be where I am today if I had never participated in it. I hope that Model UN will have the same effect on all delegates attending TMUN 2024, be it by making a new friend or by becoming a more confident person. Myself and the rest of the Secretariat Team are committed to providing a fun and educational Model United Nations experience to all delegates at TMUN 2024, and we cannot wait to meet everyone in Toronto this March.


Edward Liu
Toronto Model United Nations 2024

Partner conferences

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